It was again the team outing time of the year and we were looking hard to decide a good place to go around. Under all constraints and possibility, DNC suggested the Guhantara Cave Resort in outskirt of Bangalore which I was skeptical about but got agreed upon.

Last Sunday, we with our family visited Guhantara Cave resort. First thing I observed is that this is not a cave at all but you can try to feel that you are in a cave in deed. Also it is very crowded during lunch and dinner. This is like a big basement hall with cave architecture and a scenic falls, a good place to have some good pictures. As this has some indoor and outdoor game facilities available, so it makes a good fascinating destination for people. We enjoyed beach volleyball, cricket and swimming; and ladies tried their hands in archery. We tried tug-off war and French cricket too. Few of us also enjoyed the rain dance. We had a whole good day and we wrapped it up with a good Tabla performance by Aditya.
Fantastic and useful weblog. Thanks for publishing this. It’s useful and informative. Keep up the great. Resorts in Bangalore